Waste (WS)

Mahasarakham University is a government agency that has a clear policy to create a good environmental management system. Its goals and principles are to strive towards being a green university with good environmental management in order to set an example for students, staff, and the community to put into practice and expand the results to families and communities. Therefore, we have developed an efficient waste collection and management system. It will be another way to help take care and preserve the environment. By managing waste correctly according to sanitary principles. Throughout the process of reusing waste by adhering to the 3R principles: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle in order to reduce the use of natural resources. All the while encouraging students, students, and personnel to participate in operations under the concept of “Use it wisely, separate it, and dispose of it properly,” emphasizing the management process at the source before leading to management at the destination. For a good environment within the university.
Characteristics of Maha Sarakham University’s waste    
From the study, survey and analysis of solid waste components of Maha Sarakham University. By studying the physical characteristics of solid waste (Physical Characteristic) from studying and collecting data on the amount of waste from faculties/departments that occur per day within Maha Sarakham University. Shows the amount or proportion of each type of waste generated to lead to further management planning. According to a study from Maha Sarakham University, there are 4 types of waste: general waste, organic waste, recyclable waste, and hazardous waste. When considering the percentage of solid waste components of each type of Maha Sarakham University, it was found that general solid waste had the highest amount, averaging 70.70 percent, followed by recycled waste, organic waste, hazardous waste, averaging 25.5 percent, 3.30 percent, and 0.5 respectively
     If there is separation of recyclable waste and organic waste, it will be managed at the source.(Faculty/Department) will be able to reduce the amount of waste that is sent for disposal by 28.8%, including separating organic waste that is mixed in general waste (plastic bags), which will further reduce the amount of waste that is sent for disposal.

[3.1] 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) program for university waste (WS.1)

Mahasarakham University adopts the 3R principle as a guideline for making the best use of existing resources. Can help reduce the amount of waste. By Reduce Reuse and Recycle. Starting with using less. Reduce the use of materials and products that create waste to reduce the amount of waste generated (Reduce), reuse materials and products that can still be used (Reuse), and reuse materials. Used products are processed to be reused or recycled (Recycle) by creating policies and various projects. In order for each faculty/unit to practice and promote participation from all parts within the university, the 3Rs are as follows:

[3.2] Program to reduce the use of paper and plastic on campus (WS.2)

Mahasarakham University has a policy to reduce the use of plastic bags and paper since 2022 and has continued to practice it. Because there is a lot of plastic and paper bags being used. Especially plastic bags that take longer to decompose than other types of waste. The university has therefore issued guidelines to help reduce the use of plastic bags and paper on campus and will continue to practice them in 2023 as follows.
  1. Project to reduce receiving, reduce giving, reduce use of plastic bags (MSU No Plastic)
  2. Say no to plastic bag project
  3. Ecolife program continues
  4. Green Meeting
  5. Bring Your Own Cup project: Get discounts and promote the use of personal drinking glasses.
  6. Electronic Document System and use 2-sided paper
Online system

[3.3] Organic waste treatment (WS.3)

Organic waste is waste that decomposes and decomposes quickly and can be recycled. Make compost or use it. The organic waste on campus includes vegetable scraps, fruit peels, leaves, grass, and food scraps. The university separates them and uses them by composting them into fuel (charcoal) with the objective of reducing the amount of waste that must be sent for disposal. and manage existing resources in a way that is valuable and can be put to good use

[3.4] Inorganic waste treatment (WS.4)

Group 1 : Usable inorganic waste management: Inorganic waste that is used here means steel, metal sheets, and plastics that can be applied to gain benefits. To reduce the amount of waste that must be disposed of By repairing and modifying into various products.
Group 2 : Management of unusable organic waste: Inorganic waste that cannot be used or is not worth recycling here means Various plastic bags, foam boxes, instant noodle packets and electronic waste which the university manages by means of disposal (landfill).
  • The amount of inorganic waste that cannot be used is managed by proper disposal methods according to sanitary principles (landfill method).

 [3.5] Toxic  waste treatment (WS.5)

Group 1 : Usable inorganic waste management: Inorganic waste that is used here means steel, metal sheets, and plastics that can be applied to gain benefits. To reduce the amount of waste that must be disposed of By repairing and modifying into various products.
Group 2 : Management of unusable organic waste: Inorganic waste that cannot be used or is not worth recycling here means Various plastic bags, foam boxes, instant noodle packets and electronic waste which the university manages by means of disposal (landfill).
  • The amount of inorganic waste that cannot be used is managed by proper disposal methods according to sanitary principles (landfill method).

 [3.6] Sewage disposal (WS.6)

There are 3 sources of wastewater within Maha Sarakham University as follows:

1) Wastewater from laboratories including the Faculty of Environment Laboratory, Faculty of Science Laboratory, Faculty of Technology Laboratory, Central Laboratory.
2) Wastewater from various buildings, including faculties/departments, student dormitories, personnel dormitories.
3) Wastewater from cafeteria including Talat Noi Cafeteria, Cafeteria Building D, Cafeterias in urban areas, Sutthawet Hospital Cafeteria, Secondary Demonstration School , Primary Demonstration School.
Maha Sarakham University collects and treats them using physical, chemical and biological processes to remove impurities in wastewater, including organic substances, acids, alkalis, solids, suspended solids, oil, fat, color, odor, and performs disinfection and measures water quality before use. By using water that has undergone treatment that does not exceed the specified standards to water trees and wash road surfaces.