MSU Rises in THE University Impact Rankings 2023, Marking a Significant Advancement

MSU Rises in THE University Impact Rankings 2023, Marking a Significant Advancement

Mahasarakham University (MSU) has been distinguished notably in the Times Higher Education University Impact Rankings 2023. It secured a commendable position, ranking 401-600 globally and securing the 8th position at the national level. Notably, MSU’s most impressive achievement lies in Goal 14, which stands at 71st place worldwide. This accomplishment signifies the successful implementation of all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on a continuous basis. The credit for this remarkable feat goes to the collective efforts of all departments within the organization.

All 17 goals from best ranking are as follows:

  1. Goal 14: Life Below Water, ranked 71st in the world
  2. Goal 15: Life On Land, ranked 101-200 in the world
  3. Goal 2: Zero hunger, ranked 201-300 in the world
  4. Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, ranked 201-300 in the world
  5. Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, ranked 201-300 in the world
  6. Goal 1: No Poverty, ranked 301-400 in the world
  7. Goal 5: Gender Equality, ranked 301-400 in the world
  8. Goal 4: Quality Education, ranked 301-400 in the world
  9. Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy, ranked 301-400 in the world
  10. Goal 13: Climate Action, ranked 301-400 in the world
  11. Goal 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions, ranked 401-600 in the world
  12. Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being, ranked 401-600 in the world
  13. Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, ranked 401-600 in the world
  14. Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, ranked 401-600 in the world
  15. Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, ranked 601-800 in the world
  16. Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities, ranked 601-800 in the world
  17. Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals, ranked 801-1000 in the world

In 2023, the number of THE University Impact Rankings increased to 1,591 universities in 112 countries, compared to 2022 when 1,406 universities in 106 countries were ranked. This year, the number of universities in Thailand has increased from 51 to 66. It can be seen that Sustainable Development Goals are important in helping the world increase equality and sustainability in various fields. All institutions hope to play an important role in promoting the achievement of all 17 goals by 2030.

The rating is based on four goals: Goal 17 (Sustainable Development Cooperation), which is a mandatory goal, and the three goals that the university received the highest scores on, with Goal 17 accounting for 22%, and Goals 14, 15 and 2 each accounting for 26%.

News: Sirem-orn Prathumthip

Source: Public Relations and International Relations Division


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